Friday, December 25, 2020

XMAS 2020

9:09 pm, 25th of December, 2020 ~ Post Festivities Reflections

I’d say that’s about as good as it can get during a global pandemic.

Exhausting in the best possible way - 

Family fun, food, festive drinks,

A delicious dinner of ham and homemade Cantilone,

Napping with the NBA on TV- 

Lakers giving us fans want we really want for Christmas.

Not a bad way to end a now going-on 14-hour celebration.

7am was certainly not an unreasonable time to begin.

Actually, it was foreseeable, as Mel totally called it,

But any lethargy felt was quickly dispelled by Tilly

Tearing into her stocking and Santa booty.

The race track and walkie talkies - immediate favorites -

Will definitely make the trek to the Babbas later,

But not before one of the race cars gets tangled in Tilly's hair.

Last year’s big present and recent Toy du Jour, the scooter,

Won’t even make it out of the trunk of the car today.

No helmet necessary for any Zooming we’ll be doing later

When the full, 4-family clan gathers online

To exchange holiday cheer and battle for Kahoot glory.

First time in over a decade we’re “together” on Christmas day,

Grandpa notes, a significant silver lining.

By the time Tilly opens the Babbas’ gifts, she's overloaded.

Despite her massive spoils, she still wants a toy garbage truck.

“Tilly may not know it yet, but the best gift is the hugs,”

Brian comments on a FB picture of her embracing the Babbas.

I couldn’t agree more. 

Amidst the epic devastation this year has wrought,

We’re so incredibly lucky for these lovely moments together.

Merry Everything, Everybody!!

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