Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Can't Beat Drum

First, both sides should try to respond to the standard issue folks on the other side, rather than pretending that they're all represented by the loudest, most extreme voices. It's easy to mount arguments against the extremists, but those arguments never actually persuade anyone. Second, we liberals should keep pushing for more tolerance of cultural change, but we should also recognize that lots of perfectly nice, perfectly ordinary people get nervous about it a lot faster than we do. That doesn't make them bad people, it just means they're a few notches away from us on the bell curve. - Kevin Drum, Mother Jones

Read the whole thing here.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Shiny Tweets

I wonder if our "liberal" media will scrutinize the GOP's new health care plan... Seems like its sliding by, under the radar with no CBO report on cost and no numbers on how many Americans it's going to affect.

Is it me or are we being distracted by debating employment numbers, Russian hacking, Sessions asking 46 attorneys to resign, and the head of EPA saying CO2 doesn't cause climate change?

Could those crazy tweets from 45 actually be diversionary tactics??

Will the MSM fall for it again?

Let's keep our eyes on the prize, media... American lives hang in the balance.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Listen to Your Elders

I couldn't agree with the wisdom of this nonagenarian more...

Remember, 63,000,000 people may have voted for Trump, but Dems only lost by about 79,000 votes in 3 states, and some of those people had even voted for Obama in 2008 & 2012.

That's roughly .1%!!

Could we win those votes back in 2020 if we worked smarter?

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

That moment when you're reading Dr. Seuss's ABC book to your daughter and you get to this page... lol!