Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

If you sing "The Hokey Pokey" at 151 BPM tonight at exactly 11:59:51, you'll "turn yourself around" right as the clock strikes midnight. Start your new year right because "that's what it's all about!"

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Betting on the House

Proceed with caution - Pollyanna post ahead!

It's not a done deal!!

Yes, the Senate voted last night along party lines for their version of the tax bill, but the House passed a different version, and (as I'm sure you know) the House and the Senate have to agree on the SAME bill. In other words, the House still has to agree to the exact version the Senate passed in order for 45 to sign it into law, and that almost NEVER happens. More likely, it will go to committee next week where the House will try to hammer out the differences between the two bills.
It might also be helpful to keep in mind that all House members will be up for reelection next year, so if they do what they've traditionally done and make the bill WORSE, their constituents, whom will bear the brunt of the cuts (to Medicare, for example,) will wise up and vote them out of office next year, especially if Dems effectively hang this crappy plan around Repubs' necks leading into the 2018 midterms.

But if enough people call their House Member on Monday and tell them to vote against this bill, we could still stop this thing from ever getting to 45's desk...

There's still hope!!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Doubling Down on W

Maybe I've missed something, but in the past year, whenever I've heard liberals/moderates mention George W. Bush, it seems like they're ruefully pining for the "good ol' days" of his presidency (which is somewhat understandable given the lunacy of 45).

But with Republicans poised to pass their horrendous tax plan, are any libs/mods bringing up what happened when Bush tried this same thing?

Have we already forgotten that his tax cuts contributed to the biggest recession since the Great Depression?

Remember, W inherited a surplus, and his tax cuts (along with two wars and a Medicare expansion) tanked the economy to the point that it took Obama 8 years to right our economic ship.

Are we really on the verge of doing this again?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Take a Knee

I’ve never been much of a fan of the NFL.

The culture of violence (both on and off field) and toxic masculinity (not to mention all the brain damage from CTE) were too much for this sports fan, but after seeing so many patriotic displays of protest from so many players around the league today (in response to 45 calling them “SOB’s,”) I may have to reconsider my boycott and start watching!!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

More Cowbell

Last night, while I was BBQ'ing in my backyard, someone walking down the alley shouted, "Let's hear some DRUUUUUUUUUUMS!"

Facetious or not, I'll take it!

To Sir, With Dove

Today, I felt really touched when, for the first time in almost 20 years of teaching, I received a present on the first day of school.

Just not sure how I should feel about the fact that it was a bag with two bars of Dove soap and a stick of deodorant in it...

Now I can't stop singing, "Don't stand so, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me..." :D

Friday, August 18, 2017

Dental Dharma

Yesterday, lying in the dentist’s chair, while the hygienist busily scraped, scratched, and prodded around in my mouth with his pointy metal tools, I realized something:

It was a great time to try meditation.

How else does one calmly and confidently allow a stranger with sharp, spiky objects to poke about in one of the most sensitive parts of our bodies? 

If there’s another way BESIDES deep breathing to help quell the suspicion that, with one minor slip, it could get all stabby and bloody up in my gums, I’m all ears.

Otherwise, it’s inhale, exhale for me.  Like yoga at your dentist.

Without all the farting. :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Aspiring to the "Love Ethic"

Could I be this magnanimous if my daughter were killed by a Nazi? I don't know...

"Despite her pain, [Heather's mother] said she doesn’t want people to hate [the Nazi]. It isn’t what her daughter would have wanted, she said.

“Our daughter did not live a life of hate, and hating this young man is not going to solve anything. . . . It’s not that I think he should go unpunished for his crime. But hate only engenders more hate, and there’s no purpose in hate,” Bro said. “Heather’s life was about — passionately about — fairness and equality and caring, and that’s what we want people to take away from this.”

This heart-rending story reminds me that the 'love ethic,' espoused by moral greats throughout history, is not simply inspirational, but still largely aspirational, since we don't instinctively function in the way it prescribes.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Are There Nazis?

Yes, Virginia, there are Nazis.  They exist as certainly as hate and animosity and devolution exist, and you know that they abound and take from this world its highest beauty and joy.  Alas!  How wonderful would be the world if there were no Nazis.  It would be as wonderful as if there were never an Adolph Hitler.  There would be faith in mankind then, poetry, and romance to make celebratory this existence.  We should have enjoyment, except in bigotry and prejudice.  The eternal light with which love fills the world would not be extinguished.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Jury Duty

"Tell them, 'No matter what you say, the police are always wrong!' Just repeat that, and you're good to go!" - overheard conversation between two (potential) jurors.

I understand not wanting to serve. It's inconvenient and time-consuming. A beautiful day blossoms outside, as I sit inside, bored on my phone...

But if we use strategies like the one espoused above to get out of jury duty, should we really be surprised when cops who shoot unarmed citizens are constantly being acquitted?

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

2017 Promotion Remarks

Good morning,

My name is Mr. Cordero, and it’s been my pleasure to be Room 51's fifth grade teacher.  This year we learned a lot:  language, art, math, science, history, technology, music, but it’s my hope that the life lessons learned in my class will be what my students remember for the rest of their lives.  My emphasis was on the three E’s:  Effort, Empathy, and Excellence. 

Two quotes that we learned about effort are “Nothing will work unless you do” and “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you are absolutely right.”  Both of these have the message that you get out what you put in, not just at school but in life.  We may not always feel like it, but as Muhammad Ali said, "Don't quit.  Suffer now and live the rest of your life like a champion."

This year we read a book called “Wonder” about a boy with a cranial facial difference who goes to school for the first time and has to endure not just being the new kid at a public school but also the teasing and taunting of bullies due to his appearance.  One quote from the book that really spoke to us was, “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.”  In other words, kindness is a choice we all have.  And sometimes in life, it’s the most difficult choice to make.  But if we choose to be just a little “kinder than necessary,” someone, some day may recognize the face of God in us.

Finally, we learned about excellence.  We all want to be great in life.  And the wonderful thing is, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us how.  He said, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.”  That means if you’re living your life for others, serving, you are already great.  I believe all my students are the greatest.

These are just three life lessons that I think are important.  Here to share her three life lessons is Marlene Ramirez. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

De La Soul

Brevity may be the soul of wit, but does your wit have soul?

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Punk v. Prog

Anyone else find it ironic that in 1977, underground music burst into the mainstream with punk rock that threatened to break all the rules and slay all the prog rock "dinosaurs," yet 40 years later, prog rock ambles along, thriving in the underground, while punk has arguments in the mainstream over the rules about whom and/or what is considered punk rock??

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Healthcare Questions I'd Like Liberals to Discuss

Once again, I ask, is Kevin Drum right?

Will a state-run, single payer system really cost $400 billion dollars?

How would CA afford that when Prop. 98 mandates that 40% of our state budget go to K-12 schools?

And what about federal waivers?

What are the chances the Trump administration would sign off on them??

I'm all for single-payer, but is a state-run system really the best way to go, or would we be better served if it were federally implemented?

I understand that the California Nurses Association is behind SB562, but given these factors, why?

And why does this seem like yet another litmus test for being a "true" Democrat?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The End of Healthcare as We Know It

Could Drum be right?

Is this the end of the PP & ACA (AKA "Obamacare")??

DRUM (6/23/17):  "This is it. There's a week left. Lefties need to generate some new opposition to the bill that wavering senators are actually afraid of. Any ideas?"

A week? No sweat - plenty of time!! Now. Who's got some ideas?

And no, Johnny Depp, we're not asking you...    

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Lock Him Up!

It's probably just me, but does the wishful thinking embodied by the "Lock him up" mentality routinely displayed by "progressives" in media belie the fact that we aren't capable of winning anymore?

Has a punitive mindset replaced our politics?

It might be instructive to remember that after Watergate, Dems barely squeaked out a presidential victory in '75 then were resoundingly defeated in the next THREE election cycles (1979-1991).

Sanders is right. In order to win, Dems need to appeal to moderates by taking on "the powerful corporate interests that dominate the economic and political life of the country," but let's not forget the powerful corporate interests that dominate our "journalistic" life in this country.

While the thrill of the chase is exciting (and good for ratings/clicks/etc), it shouldn't replace good policy/politics.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

The 7 B's

I had to call a parent today to ask if we could edit her message to her daughter that she wanted printed in the 5th grade yearbook.  She wanted her daughter to, "Remember the 7 B's - Books before boys because boys bring babies."

I suggested we go with just the first 3 B's. :)

Thursday, May 25, 2017


So proud of one of my students who self-selected a favorite Tom Robbins quote of mine for their project which was displayed at Open House tonight!  #LGTB  #(SIC)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Can't Beat Drum

First, both sides should try to respond to the standard issue folks on the other side, rather than pretending that they're all represented by the loudest, most extreme voices. It's easy to mount arguments against the extremists, but those arguments never actually persuade anyone. Second, we liberals should keep pushing for more tolerance of cultural change, but we should also recognize that lots of perfectly nice, perfectly ordinary people get nervous about it a lot faster than we do. That doesn't make them bad people, it just means they're a few notches away from us on the bell curve. - Kevin Drum, Mother Jones

Read the whole thing here.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Shiny Tweets

I wonder if our "liberal" media will scrutinize the GOP's new health care plan... Seems like its sliding by, under the radar with no CBO report on cost and no numbers on how many Americans it's going to affect.

Is it me or are we being distracted by debating employment numbers, Russian hacking, Sessions asking 46 attorneys to resign, and the head of EPA saying CO2 doesn't cause climate change?

Could those crazy tweets from 45 actually be diversionary tactics??

Will the MSM fall for it again?

Let's keep our eyes on the prize, media... American lives hang in the balance.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Listen to Your Elders

I couldn't agree with the wisdom of this nonagenarian more...

Remember, 63,000,000 people may have voted for Trump, but Dems only lost by about 79,000 votes in 3 states, and some of those people had even voted for Obama in 2008 & 2012.

That's roughly .1%!!

Could we win those votes back in 2020 if we worked smarter?

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

That moment when you're reading Dr. Seuss's ABC book to your daughter and you get to this page... lol!

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Happy New Year!

A new year means new DiDacTicNaTioN...

I hope you all enjoy WEAPONIZED WORDZ!