Saturday, May 23, 2015

"12 Ways to be a Completely Bitter and Miserable Musician"

I loved these so much, I had to share!

I'm sure I've been guilty of all of these at some point...

And really, this list could apply to any art form, (or human endeavor) not just music...

So stay grumpy and enjoy!

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Rockit Man

There's really only one song that's responsible for my brief and unfortunate foray into break dancing...

I remember it was 1984, my last year of elementary school, and I couldn't escape breaking - all the kids with cable and MTV were doing it.

I thought it looked cool the way the dancers moved, like a cross between mannequin and machine.

I wanted in, so that summer I took a break dancing class through the La Palma Parks and Recreation Department that met in the gymnasium of my future junior high school and was taught by a dancer who said he was in the movie Breakin'.

He also said that Boogaloo Shrimp was his friend, but for the life of me I can't remember his name...

Suffice to say, no matter how hard I tried to "egg-roll" or "windmill," the closest I ever got to breaking or popping was an anemic arm wave...  

That summer, Future Shock, Heartbeat City, and 1984 were all in heavy rotation on my hi-speed, dual cassette tape deck, but there was only one song that made me wanna break out my cardboard and parachute pants to practice my "crazy legs," and that song was Herbie Hancock's "Rockit." 

I thought the scratching section was the best part.  I'd rewind the tape over and over again to listen to it... 

I'd even try to imitate it on the zipper of my hoodie!

Little did I know that it would be the first of many Herbie Hancock and hip-hop albums that I would buy...

Check out the fascinating history of how this innovative song and video were made here.