Sunday, September 30, 2007


!operator! perform "routine" at my "end of summer" BBQ extravaganza!
video courtesy of rodger revilla

Sunday, September 16, 2007

i'm baaaack...

haven't posted in a while--super busy with the new school year and new master's classes... here's a song i wrote and performed live on WIZARD TV's 4th season-opening show last week (sorry. no youtube clip available):

5th grade rules
mr. c

hip hip hurray it's the first day of school!
i was getting really tired of lying out by the pool.
it's the last year of elementary school--
i'm gettin' ready to go to 6th grade and be cool.
don't be afraid--got it made in 5th grade--it rules!

don't mean to mislead you--don't mean to be cruel--
it's a lot of hard work to get to middle school:
you gotta pass benchmarks, gotta know your basic facts--
you gotta act smart, prove you're not a fool.
don't be afraid--got it made in 5th grade--it rules!

camp hi-hill for a week this winter--
no classroom and no babysitter!
all you gotta do is be a good wizard--
make good choices, and you'll be a winner!

ready or not it's time to take responsibility
for your education,
work up to your ability,
ignore distractions, and others acting silly, rude--
keep yourself focused and watch yourself improve!
don't be afraid--got it made in 5th grade--it rules!

camp hi-hilll for a week in the winter time--
no parents and no baby sister cryin'!
all you gotta do is keep your goals in mind--
you might be surprised by the success you'll find!

ready or not it's time to take responsibility
for your education,
work up to your ability,
ignore distractions, and others acting silly, rude--
keep yourself focused and watch yourself improve!
don't be afraid--got it made in 5th grade--it rules!