Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Naughty or Nice?

Me:  Anybody know what claustrophobia means?
Student:  When you're afraid of Santa!

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Take Care of Yourselves, Loves

"Sadness seems to clump.
Its seems I go for a while without much, and then a big clump of it all happens at once.
And sometimes it comes for no reason and leaves just as mysteriously.
Often I cant even identify where it comes from or why.
Other times it comes in waves of sad occurrences.
Sometimes sad things happen but they dont seem to get me.
Sometimes everyday problems hit like I had never had them before.
But the feeling of being trapped, no escape, no relief. I am so glad I dont have to deal with it all the time like so many do.
I know a lot of people that are sad now, and they have good reason to be, I hope they endure and find some peace and relief.
My sadness is like an unwanted visitor who drops in unannounced, but doesnt stay long, and that is something I can be thankful about.
But I fear that sadness that comes and unpacks and repaints the walls and leaves its dishes in my sink and rearranges the furniture and squats in the spare bedroom and won't move out even when I tell it I am calling the police.
I fear the sadness that lies in bed snoring and driving away the sleep, or puts its ice cold feet on me under the covers, or won't shut up and let me escape into the peace of unconsciousness.
For all who are sad, depressed, feeling hopeless and in distress, I know it doesnt help, but I feel for you. And for those who battle these things on a daily basis because of things you cannot control in your bodies or your lives, the little sadnesses I have endured have made me appreciate the strength you must have to go on.
xo" - J. Paul Stevens