Wednesday, February 07, 2007

living graves

since one of my colleagues is a vegetarian--shout out to mrs. mank!!!--i thought i'd share some tidbits i'd gleaned from reading this article on the origins of vegetarianism.

  • it was thought that eating blood predisposed men to be cruel.
  • genesis 9:4 says "flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."
  • throughout history most people haven't eaten meat--it was too scarce and/or expensive
  • "vegetarianism has always been less about why you should eat plants than about why you shouldn't eat animals."
  • pythagoras--the right triangle guy--was first known for starting "a community of mystical mathematicians" who abstained from eating meat because they believed in "metempsychosis," or the post-mortem transfer of your soul to another animal.
  • hitler was a vegetarian.
  • gandhi "before reconverting to his original vegetarianism, briefly thought 'that meat eating was good, that it would make me strong and daring, and that, if the whole country took to meat eating, the english could be overcome.'"
  • "while we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on the earth?"--george bernard shaw
  • "if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."--sir paul mccartney
  • "vegetarians have long had the best intellectual shows how little intellectual arguments matter..."
  • "so convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has mind to do"--benjamin franklin, part-time vegetarian


Walker said...

here's something else to think about: eating meat is one of the worst things we do to the environment. a recent UN report found that the livestock industry accounts for 18 percent of human-induced greenhouse gases (more than cars!), and a university of chicago study concluded that switching from a typical american diet to a vegetarian diet reduces your contribution to global warming more than if you switched from a regular car to a hybrid. factory farms produce huge amounts of concentrated animal waste and then dump it into rivers, destroying them. we feed most of the grain we grow to meat animals, which are extremely inefficient at converting it into protein and calories, so if we gave up meat we could live off about half the cropland we currently use, and wouldn't have to dump so many pesticides in our water supply.

mr. c. said...

yeah, i almost bulleted some of those very same points...

thanks for the comments!