Monday, February 05, 2007


wow. what a day. the sciatica picked the wrong day to come back--that's for sure! (or was it the horsing around with my nephew and niece at my sister's super bowl party yesterday that left me almost unable to walk this morning?) either way, the day didn't exactly get better: my students were really wound up this morning, and we had a lot to do since we were having a guest speaker come in to the class to talk about an essay contest. there was no read 180, so we had whole class workshop--with me working with a small group in the back--management became an issue. my all-stars were at their best, all day long, and by the end of the day, i had had to erase TWO (2) stars, which i'd never had to do before... of course, one of my usual problems became defiant after school just as his mom walked up the ramp, which actually turned out to be good timing--she saw him slam into the door after i asked him to step outside to cool down. she was ready to go to mr. garcia to try to change his class, but we settled things... i hope...

of course, i had to go to my master's cohort until 6 pm which meant catching only the 2nd half of the lakers' game...

boo hoo hoo...

i guess this is as legitimate a place as any to vent my stress and frustration, right?

besides, in cyberspace, no one can hear you scream!

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