Friday, October 13, 2006

it's only a ride

i love notebooking. and bill hicks. i had the good fortune to see him perform at UCI in 1992. here's a piece that i crafted in my notebook that was inspired by his words:

tremendous apprentice, fantastic fanatic,
superior interior, mind automatic
transmission transcending mere auditory waves,
hit ya in the third eye, sending suckers to their graves.

the moral: we're mortal, but ideas live forever--
through time, through space, and beyond, if they're clever.
you never really know, but we'll always keep searching,
through questions and inquiry, one thing's for certain:
it's only a ride, and you choose love or fear, but
if you ask me, the choice is quite clear.
options seem infinite or freewill's just a farce--
we're all lying in the gutter; some are lookin' to the stars...

to the brightest and the best it's a quest everyday
just to keep our heads up and bowed low when we pray.
humility and grace have a place in our lives--
i just hope that my words can help you recognize--
it's imperative to care to give your time to the art
of matters of the mind, soul, body, and heart.

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