Thursday, June 15, 2017

Lock Him Up!

It's probably just me, but does the wishful thinking embodied by the "Lock him up" mentality routinely displayed by "progressives" in media belie the fact that we aren't capable of winning anymore?

Has a punitive mindset replaced our politics?

It might be instructive to remember that after Watergate, Dems barely squeaked out a presidential victory in '75 then were resoundingly defeated in the next THREE election cycles (1979-1991).

Sanders is right. In order to win, Dems need to appeal to moderates by taking on "the powerful corporate interests that dominate the economic and political life of the country," but let's not forget the powerful corporate interests that dominate our "journalistic" life in this country.

While the thrill of the chase is exciting (and good for ratings/clicks/etc), it shouldn't replace good policy/politics.

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