Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Outliers Who Support A Liar

I’ve heard many things said about Trump supporters but here are a few myths that my amazing colleagues, lovely friends, and loving family members who support him have dispelled for me:

Trump supporters are stupid. Sorry, almost without exception the people I’ve talked to who support him are very smart, extremely intelligent, and have college degrees (some with Masters) not to mention that many, like my colleagues at school, work with some of the most under-served populations in our society, which leads me to…

They are hateful. Again, not from my experience. All of the aforementioned are thoughtful, caring, loving people whose generosity knows no bounds. I see it every day. 

And finally… 

Public schools are almost exclusively liberal. Haha, I know! I was shocked, too, but it’s NOT true. At least from my experience, many teachers support Trump (and many are female, too!)

Which begs the question: Liberals, what are we doing wrong? 

Why can’t we get these loving, lovely people to vote for our candidate??

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