Saturday, May 07, 2016

BOBs Berners

I actually lean Sanders, but Bernie or Bust people give me pause. 

Do they really believe the hype? 

Has the 30 year press jihad against Clinton damaged her so much that people will believe any negative thing ever said about her? 

"Hillary was a Goldwater girl!!" Yeah, when she was 17! 

Are we to disregard her last 47 years of work as a Democrat because she was raised in a Republican household and shared her family's views as a teenager? (I don't know about you, but I'm kinda embarrassed about some of the things I thought and did as a high schooler. lol)

"She's racist!!" You can't be serious. 

Did you know that at the same time she was a "Goldwater Girl," her Methodist youth minister taught her about MLK and took her to meet him? Did you know that the issue of Civil Rights was fundamental in her decision to change her party affiliation? 

Have you done any research into her life's work advocating for children, the poor, disadvantaged, and people of color? (School desegregation, SCHIP, etc?) 

And do you seriously think that after helping so many people and in spite of so much negative press, she's only doing it to get rich and powerful? 

Bernie or Busters, please! Aren't there easier ways?? 

Finally, aren't we liberals (Sanders and Clinton supporters) all about standing up for the little guy? 

Isn't defacto Trump support the exact opposite? 

How much privilege does is take to suggest that our society's most vulnerable groups can "suck it" for 4 years of Trump because one doesn't deem Clinton sufficiently pure enough to vote for her?

Yeah, I'd like to vote Bernie too, but why needlessly jeopardize marginalized communities if we can't? Sad!

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