Tuesday, June 26, 2007


i tell you what: after a long, arduous day of teaching, after sitting in masters classes for 3 hours, after getting home hungry and pissed off, with only a few, short hours left in my evening, there is NOTHING--i repeat, NOTHING-- like elote to take the edge off!

for those who don't know, elote is corn. (my translation: EAR OF GOD!)

i am lucky enough to live in a neighborhood serviced by a friendly man named mauricio who brings his shopping cart-full of fixin' down the street every evening around 7 p.m. (summer hours) talk about a godsend--to me the sound of his horn is like a ringing bell to pavlov's dogs--his corn is so sweet, so juicy, so f'n delicious, when i hear that honking, i'm running out the door with a dollar in my hand!

lately it's been the highlight of my day...

allow me to elaborate on elote 's proper preparation: first, mauricio paints it with mayonaise. (wait. it gets better!) then, he rolls it in parmesean cheese. (mmm!) next, he squirts liquid butter on it. (i wonder if there's any trans-fat in that?) and finally, he sprinkles chili powder on it... (limon is also available upon request.)

oh. my. god. it is incredible!

so, shout out to MAURICIO for providing this hungry, irritable teacher with heaven on a stick every single day!

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