Tuesday, January 09, 2007

a writerly life

it's nice to talk about writing at our staff meetings again--especially since i've been addicted to my notebook as of late...

it started during the break (coincidently when i stopped posting here, hmmmm...) and really hasn't ceased... at first it took some effort to get back in the swing--i was out of practice--now i feel back in the flow, and it feels natural to reach for my notebook when inspiration strikes.

i'd fallen out of this practice at the beginning of 2006, and i think i was really missing the outlet, the space to nurture thoughts. then i started this blog in the fall which forced me to take a long look at my writing process. this medium was so immediate compared with notebooking--press PUBLISH POST, and the world would immediately see my thoughts--that was intimidating. it wasn't like my notebook where my ideas could fester, secreted away from prying eyes. it also seemed a bit "self-indulgent," but i justified it with the knowledge that it was part of my contractual obligations as an educator--reflection--how (literally) narcissistic... anyway...

this was really just an experiment. normally, i would nurture, care, craft, revise, (etc, ad infinitum) each post until i thought it was exactly perfect--every letter, every punctuation mark in the right place--before i'd press PUBLISH. this is the first post i've created that hasn't (at least so far) gone through this rigorous process... i'm learning to let go a little more.

my feelings are mixed about the product...

well, it was worth a shot anyway.

update: (9:00 pm) i had to revise this darn thing--i couln't stand it!

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