Sunday, January 28, 2024

Process > Product Art

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of art classes? 

You may envision a black clad, beret-wearing art teacher holding court with a palette of paints in hand or maybe a classroom full of elementary students furiously trying to mimic some “master’s” art. 

Thankfully, at Bret Harte this is not the case. 

Our VAPA program embraces the theory of Process Over Product wherein the making and doing are valued rather than the end product. 

This belief is reinforced through four conceptual units - Innovation, Collaboration, Ideation, and Expression. 

Our open-ended, exploratory approach to art provides students with multiple opportunities to practice high-order and critical thinking skills they can integrate across all content areas and allows them to share their unique and individualistic visions in a safe, intellectually low-stakes environment.

Experimentation and risk-taking are encouraged which nurtures a growth mindset and fosters scientific thinking as students make new discoveries. Social and emotional learning blossoms as students build their self-esteem and take ownership of their work. Engagement and perseverance peak helping to produce 21st century, life-long learners.

Trust the process. 

Check us out @harte_smart_studio