Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Consequences of Voting Your Conscience

Are the left-leaning #neverhillary voters really that surprised by today’s SCOTUS decision? Aren’t Supreme Court rulings like these (not to mention Gorsuch’s nomination/confirmation) EXACTLY what Clinton supporters warned them about? Before the election, I asked anti-Clinton lefties how their decision to not vote for her wasn’t merely showing their privilege PRECISELY because of potential decisions like this (or the Colorado bakery decision) and their effect on marginalized communities. So, today, again, I ask them how the real-world implications of this administration make them feel about their protest vote?

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Vinyl 15: 3-7

Today’s lesson from the Gospel of Vinyl:

"Which of you, if you had one thousand records, and lost one of them, wouldn't leave the other nine hundred ninety-nine on the shelf, and go after the one that was lost, until you found it? When you have found it, you carry it on your shoulders, rejoicing. When it’s back on the turntable, you call together your friends, your family and your neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my record which was lost!' I tell you that even so there will be more joy in my house over recovering one record, than over nine hundred ninety-nine righteous records that need no rescuing."

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Talking About the Space Between Us

It’s been nice to see Sen. Sanders on TV talking about issues that Democrats should focus on in order to win this November – Universal Healthcare, raising the minimum wage, forgiving student debt, and making our public colleges and universities free.  And I agree with him that Americans care more about these things than the latest Trump scandal du jour.  

But, I can’t help thinking that if Sanders really cares about Democrats winning, then he should change party affiliation and become one!  

Wouldn’t that simple act of good faith go a long way toward unifying the progressive and centrist factions within our party?  

After all, he’s already sought the Democratic Presidential nomination once (and may again), so if he really wants Dems to follow him, then he needs to get in there and lead the way by fighting from within the party, not without.