Good news, everyone!
Despite the false claims pushed by so-called education reformers (elites who would love nothing but to bust up teachers unions and starve our public schools of funding in order to privatize them), our public school students in 8th grade have slowly but steadily been making improvements in reading on the NAEP over the last 20 years, especially when you disaggregate for race. (For reference, ten points is generally considered about 1 grade level.
Despite the false claims pushed by so-called education reformers (elites who would love nothing but to bust up teachers unions and starve our public schools of funding in order to privatize them), our public school students in 8th grade have slowly but steadily been making improvements in reading on the NAEP over the last 20 years, especially when you disaggregate for race. (For reference, ten points is generally considered about 1 grade level.
Gain in average scores, 1998-2017 Public schools, Grade 8
reading, NAEP:
All students: 4.67 points
White students: 5.49 points
Black students: 6.34 points
Hispanic students: 13.17 points
Asian/Pacific Islander students: 20.00 points
Sadly, our mainstream media are not allowed to discuss these
improvements because it contradicts the reform movement’s scripts about our
failing educational system. Chomsky called it “manufacturing consent,” the
practice of selective and/or inaccurate presentation in which the public is led
to believe a preferred outlook favored by elites.
Even sadder still, folks of all political stripes end up not knowing about these significant successes.
Even sadder still, folks of all political stripes end up not knowing about these significant successes.