Saturday, September 28, 2013

Divide and Conquer

Nice op-ed.  Does Kristof make a false equivalency?  I don't know...

What gets me is the tribalism...

As long as Fox and MSNBC (et al) continue to reinforce the tribal red vs. blue framework, they enable the 1%, without drawing attention to the fact that the other 99% (BOTH red and blue) are being ripped off...

Monday, September 23, 2013

...calling the kettle black


title is not my favorite, but what do you expect from a pot-ty mouth?  :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

as i play trying...

All of us failed to match our dream of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible. In my opinion, if I could write all my work again, I am convinced that I would do it better, which is the healthiest condition for an artist. That's why he keeps on working, trying again; he believes each time that this time he will do it, bring it off. Of course he won't, which is why this condition is healthy. - Faulkner

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

doolittle democrats

good news, 99%!  your incomes increased by 1% last year!!  (nevermind that top earners' -- the so-called, "1%" -- incomes jumped 22.5% last year!!) 

if you consider a new gilded age a problem (like most progressives do), might i point out that within the 99%, BOTH liberal AND conservatives' incomes have failed to rise? 

these data show no tribal divide!

both red and blue -- indeed almost the whole population -- have seen their incomes rise only 1%!!

wage stagnation affects left and right alike, and yet the 99% fail to unite to put up a fight!!  hmmm...

what keeps us so divided?

do we on the left think we need the other side to fight inequity?

if so, how do we talk about it in a way that unites, not divides us, the 99%?